The Silent Girl

The Silent Girl Tess Gerritsen


The Silent Girl (Rizzoli & Isles #9)

Every crime scene tells a story. Some keep you awake at night. Others haunt your dreams. The grisly display homicide cop Jane Rizzoli finds in Boston’s Chinatown will do both.
In the murky shadows of an alley lies a female’s severed hand. On the tenement rooftop above is the corpse belonging to that hand, a red-haired woman dressed all in black, her head nearly severed. Two strands of silver hair—not human—cling to her body. They are Rizzoli’s only clues, but they’re enough for her and medical examiner Maura Isles to make the startling discovery: that this violent death had a chilling prequel.
Nineteen years earlier, a horrifying murder-suicide in a Chinatown restaurant left five people dead. But one woman connected to that massacre is still alive: a mysterious martial arts master who knows a secret she dares not tell, a secret that lives and breathes in the shadows of Chinatown. A secret that may not even be human. Now she’s the target of someone, or something, deeply and relentlessly evil.
Cracking a crime resonating with bone-chilling echoes of an ancient Chinese legend, Rizzoli and Isles must outwit an unseen enemy with centuries of cunning—and a swift, avenging blade.

Romance policial / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (2)

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The Silent Girl
The Silent Girl


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on 17/7/13

gosto muito da Rizolli . as vezes ela parece querer irritar o leitor com o seu jeito durona ,mas é impossível não querer ler um livro sem ela pois apesar de tudo ela possui seus pés no chão de tal forma que sua pessoa não cansa ninguém.é a personificação , a tradução perfeita da persona normal , comum, porém competente e interessante ao mesmo tempo. um profissionalismo que não fica de lado ,ou seja, não é deixado de lado,como vemos acontecer em tantos livros que emanam e se focam dem... leia mais


Avaliações 4.0 / 32
ranking 38
ranking 41
ranking 16
ranking 6
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cadastrou em:
28/01/2018 13:48:51