The New Hunger

The New Hunger Isaac Marion


The New Hunger

(Warm Bodies 0.5)

New York is a bayou. New Orleans is a reef. The entire country has been devastated by natural disasters and governmental collapse, and on top of everything else there is the annoying problem of zombies trying to devour you at every turn. But sixteen-year-old Nora and her younger brother Addis are about to discover the most frightening thing yet: being abandoned in this horrific world by their own parents.
Left with only a bag of clothes and a first-aid kit, Nora and Addis begin a harrowing journey to connect with anyone who isn't looking to rob them or eat them. A wounded man wrecks a meal of green beans and French fries at the top of the Space Needle in Seattle. An attempt to get a good night’s sleep in a fortified motel is ruined by an undead face staring at them through the window. And they just can’t seem to shake someone – something – that’s been following them everywhere they go….
Meanwhile, a girl named Julie is traveling toward the city in an SUV with her parents. She is only twelve, but has already seen friends die and her school burn. She has watched her father become nearly as cold and remorseless as the Dead. All she wants is someplace to call home, even if it never really will be.
And somewhere nearby, a tall man awakens in the woods, unsure of exactly where he is, or even who he is. As he struggles to remember details of his life, a single consonant comes to him: R. He is…a name that begins with R….
Isaac Marion once again demonstrates his remarkable gifts as a storyteller as he brings the world of WARM BODIES back to life. Grounding his characters in real emotion, Marion makes you root for them to save the world even as they simply try to stay alive.

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The New Hunger
The New Hunger


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Warm Bodies
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Resenhas para The New Hunger (1)

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on 12/2/13

"The new hunger" é um livro fascinante, se você gostou de Warm Bodies e deseja ampliar seu conhecimento sobre esse mundo criado por Isaac Marion esse livro não falha em nada. Embora a historia seja um pouco mais densa e menos cômica que a anterior anida sim é uma ótima leitura para descontrair um pouco. Esse livro, assim como o primeiro romance do autor, busca explorar diferentes ângulos desse ser mítico que é o zumbi, e para isso ele mostra nesse prequel de Warm Bodies como os p... leia mais


Informações não disponíveis
Avaliações 3.8 / 18
ranking 39
ranking 28
ranking 22
ranking 6
ranking 6



cadastrou em:
25/01/2013 00:07:08