The Match

The Match Sarah Adams


The Match (It Happened in Charleston #1)

Having worked for Southern Service Paws for a few years now, I like to think I’m prepared for just about any client meeting under the sun. I am dead wrong.

The day I meet with single dad, Jacob Broaden, about potentially matching his daughter with one of our service dogs, I learn a few valuable lessons.

1) Always set my alarm clock.
2) Single dads are way hotter than I previously thought.
3) It is possible to go from fantasizing about kissing someone to wishing they would be run over by a truck in a matter of two minutes.

Unfortunately, I don’t hold that opinion of him for very long. Not when he shows me a different side of himself—one that’s sweet as maple syrup and hot as apple pie fresh out of the oven.

Too bad this guy is so far out of my league that I shouldn’t even be allowed to enter the game. Jake doesn’t seem to get that memo though. And after a few days of working closely with him and his daughter, he starts looking at me with fire in his eyes, making me dream of something I probably shouldn’t…

A family.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Match


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The Off Limits Rule
The Temporary Roomie
The Enemy
The Cheat Sheet

Resenhas para The Match (492)

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on 20/9/21

Tudo nesse livro é muito fofo. A Evie é um amor, e a deficiência dela é algo que eu não tinha visto até agora em livros, o Jake é um protagonista de romance perfeito sem contar que eu tenho uma queda por protagonistas que são pais ou mães solo, e os cachorros deixam o livro ainda mais gostoso de se ler. A escrita da Sarah é super fluída e engraçada, eu nem vejo o tempo passar. O plot do livro é bem previsível a autora colocou todos os clichês que ela poderia por no final e eu achei a... leia mais


Avaliações 4.1 / 3.029
ranking 45
ranking 41
ranking 12
ranking 1
ranking 0



João gregorio
cadastrou em:
02/06/2020 16:15:15
editou em:
16/01/2023 19:25:24