The Maid

The Maid Nita Prose


The Maid (Molly the Maid #1)

Molly Gray is not like everyone else. She struggles with social skills and misreads the intentions of others. Her gran used to interpret the world for her, codifying it into simple rules that Molly could live by.

Since Gran died a few months ago, twenty-five-year-old Molly has been navigating life’s complexities all by herself. No matter—she throws herself with gusto into her work as a hotel maid. Her unique character, along with her obsessive love of cleaning and proper etiquette, make her an ideal fit for the job. She delights in donning her crisp uniform each morning, stocking her cart with miniature soaps and bottles, and returning guest rooms at the Regency Grand Hotel to a state of perfection.

But Molly’s orderly life is upended the day she enters the suite of the infamous and wealthy Charles Black, only to find it in a state of disarray and Mr. Black himself dead in his bed. Before she knows what’s happening, Molly’s unusual demeanor has the police targeting her as their lead suspect. She quickly finds herself caught in a web of deception, one she has no idea how to untangle. Fortunately for Molly, friends she never knew she had unite with her in a search for clues to what really happened to Mr. Black—but will they be able to find the real killer before it’s too late?

A Clue-like, locked-room mystery and a heartwarming journey of the spirit, The Maid explores what it means to be the same as everyone else and yet entirely different—and reveals that all mysteries can be solved through connection to the human heart.

Ficção / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (2)

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The Maid
The Maid


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Resenhas para The Maid (20)

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on 29/9/22

Molly é uma camareira em um hotel importante, que parece fazer parte do espectro. Frases antigas de sua falecida avó a acompanham durante os dias e ela possui uma metodologia tremenda para fazer seus afazeres profissionais e pessoais. Sua vida seguia um mesmo ritmo dia-a-dia, até que o inesperado acontece: durante seu turno de trabalho, ela encontra um hospede importante do hotel morto em seu quarto. O enredo do livro trata dos desdobramentos desse encontro: quem matou o hospede? Es... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.4 / 117
ranking 16
ranking 39
ranking 33
ranking 9
ranking 3



cadastrou em:
07/12/2021 20:07:36
editou em:
21/08/2023 18:40:48