The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets

The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest Stieg Larsson


The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest

Salander is plotting her revenge - against the man who tried to kill her, and against the government institutions that very nearly destroyed her life. But it is not going to be a straightforward campaign. After taking a bullet to the head, Salander is under close supervision in Intensive Care, and is set to face trial for three murders and one attempted murder on her eventual release. With the help of journalist Mikael Blomkvist and his researchers at Millennium magazine, Salander must not only prove her innocence, but identify and denounce the corrupt politicians that have allowed the vulnerable to become victims of abuse and violence. Once a victim herself, Salander is now ready to fight back.

Crime / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (5)

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The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets
The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet


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Millénium #3
A rainha do castelo de ar

Resenhas para The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest (10)

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An exceptional ending to the Millenium saga
on 5/7/21

In this third book, which is also the biggest one in the saga, we are led through the consequences of the second installment The book already starts off really engaging and thrilling, as it follows the big tension constructed in the end of the second book. The characters are on point, the subplots are for the most part really engaging (Though there are some of them really boring, adding to the enormous amount of pages). In the end, this is another great thriller, with all of Larsson'... leia mais

Vídeos The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest (1)

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3o livro na primeira versão

3o livro na primeira versão


Avaliações 4.4 / 274
ranking 58
ranking 29
ranking 11
ranking 1
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The Girl
cadastrou em:
07/01/2010 23:06:45