The End of Men

The End of Men Christina Sweeney-Baird


The End of Men

Set in a world where a virus stalks our male population, The End of Men is an electrifying and unforgettable debut from a remarkable new talent that asks: what would our world truly look like without men?

Only men carry the virus. Only women can save us all.

The year is 2025, and a mysterious virus has broken out in Scotland--a lethal illness that seems to affect only men. When Dr. Amanda MacLean reports this phenomenon, she is dismissed as hysterical. By the time her warning is heeded, it is too late. The virus becomes a global pandemic--and a political one. The victims are all men. The world becomes alien--a women's world.

What follows is the immersive account of the women who have been left to deal with the virus's consequences, told through first-person narratives. Dr. MacLean; Catherine, a social historian determined to document the human stories behind the "male plague"; intelligence analyst Dawn, tasked with helping the government forge a new society; and Elizabeth, one of many scientists desperately working to develop a vaccine. Through these women and others, we see the uncountable ways the absence of men has changed society, from the personal--the loss of husbands and sons--to the political--the changes in the workforce, fertility, and the meaning of family.

In The End of Men, Christina Sweeney-Baird turns the unimaginable into the unforgettable.

Distopia / Ficção / Ficção científica / Suspense e Mistério

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The End of Men


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A vida é curta para perder tempo com livros medianos
on 1/4/23

A ideia do livro é boa, de verdade é. Como mãe de dois garotos, me tocou várias partes da história... Imaginar perder seus filhos para uma doença mortal e desconhecida, porém não gostei da escrita, se torna tediosa com o tempo, muitas partes de pura enrolação e terminei porque queria mesmo saber o final e... É como o restante do livro: tedioso.... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.6 / 9
ranking 11
ranking 44
ranking 44
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cadastrou em:
30/03/2021 11:18:12
editou em:
30/03/2021 11:19:59