Wish you were her

Wish you were her

Resenhas - Wish you were her

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Jessica1248 23/04/2024

"Beyond the cords of time. Beyond all and everything"
"She always took care of people. So when Draco finally decided what he wanted: to always take care of her, to be there for her as the man she needed, life decided once again that Draco Malfoy needed another lesson to be taught."

"Draco was preparing himself to ask her to marry him because, for some reason, Hermione freaking Granger gave two cents about him and she loved him. And Draco loved her with all his being, she was the reason he even cared enough to turn his life around and not mop constantly for his wrong doings as a teenager. All because he wanted her to have someone who was worthy to have by her side, even though Draco still didn?t believe he was enough for Hermione Granger. Never. But he tried, every day he woke up, he tried and fought for the chance to become someone who was enough for her."

"Kissing her gave him clarity and Draco Malfoy?s role in this world had never been clearer than in that moment; for him to worship Hermione until his dying breath. Until every star in the sky fell down, until every Sun in the Universe lost its sparkle, until every thing known to man ended and beyond that. 
Beyond the cords of time.
Beyond the volume of the void.
Beyond all and everything."

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