Invisible Differences

Invisible Differences

Resenhas - Invisible Differences

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Julia 21/06/2020

Netgalley Review
This book was just what I needed to read at the moment. With its fluid reading and a captivating character, you quickly find yourself caught up in the story. This helped me a lot to engage other readings that were pending.

As far as the autism spectrum is concerned, I think the book deals with this in a very realistic and clear way. This is very important, because it is still a little debated subject and there is still a lot of prejudice on the part of people who do not even understand the complexity of this condition.

hagabrielah 05/08/2020

Informativo e coerente
Adorei o quão bonita e informativa esta HQ é.
Deu um quentinho no coração.

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