
Mongrels Stephen Graham Jones



A spellbinding and darkly humorous coming-of-age story about an unusual boy, whose family lives on the fringe of society and struggles to survive in a hostile world that shuns and fears them.

He was born an outsider, like the rest of his family. Poor yet resilient, he lives in the shadows with his aunt Libby and uncle Darren, folk who stubbornly make their way in a society that does not understand or want them. They are mongrels, mixed blood, neither this nor that. The boy at the center of Mongrels must decide if he belongs on the road with his aunt and uncle, or if he fits with the people on the other side of the tracks.

For ten years, he and his family have lived a life of late-night exits and narrow escapes—always on the move across the South to stay one step ahead of the law. But the time is drawing near when Darren and Libby will finally know if their nephew is like them or not. And the close calls they’ve been running from for so long are catching up fast now. Everything is about to change.

A compelling and fascinating journey, Mongrels alternates between past and present to create an unforgettable portrait of a boy trying to understand his family and his place in a complex and unforgiving world. A smart and innovative story— funny, bloody, raw, and real—told in a rhythmic voice full of heart, Mongrels is a deeply moving, sometimes grisly, novel that illuminates the challenges and tender joys of a life beyond the ordinary in a bold and imaginative new way.

Fantasia / Ficção / Horror

Edições (1)

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on 15/9/21

Mongrels de Stephen Jones traz uma releitura moderna do mito do lobisomem. O narrador-protagonista é o mais jovem de uma pequena família de lobisomens e é o responsável por contar a história que abarcará sua infância e adolescência até o momento de sua metamorfose. É primeiramente uma história de terror, mas o que mais impressiona é o drama vivido pela família - a fuga, a rejeição social e a tentativa de preservação de sua cultura traçam um paralelo com a história indígena estad... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.1 / 4
ranking 25
ranking 75
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João gregorio
cadastrou em:
11/04/2020 19:01:03
Veronica @gatonolivro
editou em:
11/04/2020 19:22:58