
Metamorfose David Saperstein


Metamorfose (Ficção Científica Europa-América #167)

Metamorphosis (The Cocoon Trilogy, #2)

Cocoon: Metamorfose -- Metamorphosis (1988) / The Coccon Trilogy, Book II: The Cocoon Story Continues
Há cinco mil anos... O continente perdido a que agora chamamos Atlântida foi secretamente colonizado por antáreos, viajantes do espaço. Quando a Atlântica foi destruída, um pequeno grupo de antáreos foi deixado em casulos selados, no fundo do mar, enquanto o resto da colónia foi evacuada.

Há cinco anos… Os antáreos enviaram uma sonda à Terra para reactivar os casulos. Entre os habitantes da Terra e os antáreos foi feito um acordo: os voluntários humanos iriam substituir o exército antáreo adormecido numa viagem às estrelas.

Há cinco minutos… Uma pequena nave antárea baixou à Terra. A bordo vinham quatro habitantes da Terra que voltaram para preparar o caminho para os outros. A sua missão e as decisões que iriam tomar num futuro próximo afectariam os casulos adormecidos bem como o futuro da raça humana.

Metamorphosis: The Cocoon Story Continues is the second book of the Cocoon Trilogy. The first, Cocoon, was a New York Times bestselling novel. A major, and very successful worldwide motion picture, Cocoon, was produced (story by the author, David Saperstein—nominated by the Writer's Guild of America for Best Original Story written for the screen). The movie plays often on TV and cable, worldwide. It is also available on DVD. Metamorphosis: The Cocoon Story Continues, begins five years after Cocoon ends. Cocoon trilogy and continues where Cocoon left off--keeping you hooked from the first page and never letting go.

[About the Author]: David Saperstein. Born in Brooklyn and raised in The Bronx, David Saperstein is a product of the NYC public school system—from kindergarten through college at CCNY where he was recently awarded the Townsend Harris Medal for, ."..distinguished contribution in his chosen field of work and to the welfare of his fellow men." After serving in the US Army, David founded Skyline Films, writing, producing and directing award winning documentaries, TV specials and commercials. He then spent five years in the rock 'n roll and R & B music businesses as a lyricist and manager. Cocoon was his first venture into fiction. David went on to write fourteen novels, thirty-five movie and TV scripts, direct feature films, create lyrics for over eighty published songs, and write librettos for three musicals. He has taught, lectured and facilitated seminars in colleges and corporations in the United States, Canada and Europe. His wife Ellen, an interior designer, and David, have two children and four grandchildren.

Aventura / Cinema / Drama / Fantasia / Ficção científica / História / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance / Suspense e Mistério

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cadastrou em:
15/07/2017 18:20:46
editou em:
15/07/2017 18:54:09