Pretty Face

Pretty Face Mary Hogan

Resenhas - Pretty Face

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Meg Cabot 22/11/2009

- 02/04/08: Pretty Face, out now by Mary Hogan. This is a great book by the author of The Serious Kiss, which I also really enjoyed.
It really is true how when you stop dieting, you lose weight! When I stopped drinking diet soda and just ate what I wanted (but not to excess), I lost ten pounds. TEN POUNDS!!! Just by not dieting.
Anyway, I loved Pretty Face, not because it’s about an effective weight loss plan (although not worrying about your weight and just being healthy IS an effective weight loss plan–you don’t have to go to Italy to do it!), but because it’s a sweet book!

>> trecho do blog da autora Meg Cabot sobre o livro Pretty Face.

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