
Ivan Sophie Lark

Resenhas - Ivan

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Katharyna 16/07/2022

Assassina profissional ou donzela indefesa?
Me pergunto como a protagonista não se deu mal antes, sendo tão incompetente. Vergonha da profission.
Vou nem comentar o instalove bizarro.

É isto, livro 4 da maratona check ?

Kabizinha 01/07/2022

Romance faquinha no pescoço
É disso que o povo gosta (o povo não gosta e nem pediu isso, mas eu sim)! Um enemies to lovers de verdade porque eles são de fato inimigos (a gatona ia matar ele, galera), que superada a animosidade, começaram a agir no mesmo lado e viraram um casalzão. É sobre isso!

Toda vez que eu leio ou vejo algo que claramente só dá certo na ficção e gosto eu ainda assim penso que eu tenho que frisar que isso só dá certo porque é fantasia/faz de conta. Fora que não é porque eu achei eles um casalzão que eu quero isso para minha vida. Deus me livre e guarde de uma bagaceira dessas!

Eu ia ler todos os desse universo para então ir ler os da série Kingmakers, mas achei esse fraco e rápido demais em comparação aos da Brutal Birthright, que eu amei demais, dai como só se conecta com Ivan e Snow talvez eu só leia eles e um tantinho mais então para já ir para a dos herdeiros.

B.SCHENER 16/08/2022

O pior mafioso que eu já vi, e olha que vi muitos ruins.
Se essa criatura chegou ao poder foi nepotismo porque não é possível.
Eles só fazem um bom casal porque ela é a pior assassina por contrato.
Se esses dois estão vivos foi só pela habilidade dos outros e a sorte de serem protagonistas porque se ele fosse um primo distante ja tinha acabado pra eles nos primeiros dois capítulos.

Só não coloco menos de duas estrelas porque a escrita foi razoável

Lena 25/06/2021

Xonei nos personagens
Sloane é a personagem perfeita pra mim. Sem dó, realista, forte, engraçada e sem medo de pegar o que quer.

Ivan é um bruto, sexy, engraçado, inteligente e que ama poucos, mas ama com vontade. Eles são tão parecidos e são tão perfeitos um para o outro que foi impossível não amar esse livro.

Minha única reclamação é que achei clichê a parte que leva ao conflito final.



Sloane é capturada de uma forma meio do nada e eu não suporto esses plots de alguém ter que resgatar a mocinha, principalmente porque a mocinha é uma BADASS do caralho. Acho que poderia ter sido diferente.

Quotes favoritas:

"That?s the time to take someone. When they?re perfectly comfortable and happy. I want a man to die in front of the fire with his slippers on and his favorite cigar in his mouth. I?m a very considerate grim reaper."

"Murder is easy. Stealth is a little harder."

"But it amuses me to drain the bank accounts of these politicians and businessmen, who should be home with their wives instead of groping girls young enough to be their daughters."

"What you know is just as valuable as what other people know. Never let them see what you know."

"Why do so many beautiful women cease to be beautiful as soon as you get to know them?"

"I know all too well that if someone can find you, they can kill you. We all have to sleep sometimes."

"My rule for Zima is that I only kill professionals. Businessmen and women, politicians, criminals. People who have inserted themselves into the jungle, into the endless struggle for power and domination. They choose to play the game, and so they deserve their fate."

"The one you miss is the one that kills you."

"My success has always been a result of stealth and the element of surprise. I?m no hero? I take my targets while they?re sick, while they?re sleeping. I poison them, suffocate them, or snipe them from a distance."

"In the silence of night, I might almost believe I?ve gone back in time to the era of the Orthodox monks. But, of course, if I encounter someone, it will be a Bratva brother, not a man of god."

"It?s impossible to withstand torture. Any decent torturer, given enough time, will break you. All you can do is resist interrogation by preparing yourself for the methods they?ll use to manipulate you."

"Fear always brings out the most obnoxious side of me. Rudeness is my coping mechanism. It?s not a very good coping mechanism."

"He?s silent, staring at me. That means the interrogation has already begun. As my father always said, ?He who speaks first loses.?"

"If this is his interrogation, he?s going to have my social security number in five minutes."

"I think Ivan Petrov is in the wrong business. He should make a mold of himself and sell it to women worldwide. I?ve hardly amused myself with that thought before I?m flushed through with jealousy at the very idea. I found this perfect specimen, and I want to keep him all for myself."

"I?ve never been overpowered like this. I usually fight to maintain control. But with Ivan, I don?t want to fight. I don?t want to struggle."

"He?s the brush and I?m the paint. He?s the wind and I?m the bird."

"I?ve never been one to chase after the modest girls. But this woman has confidence on a level I?ve never seen. She?s intelligent. Capable. Ruthless. She?s just like me. Is it narcissistic to say that I love that about her? I?ve never considered tying myself to any woman, not permanently. But if I did, it would have to be a woman like this. A true equal."

"It?s insane for me to admit any of this. Forget about safety or prudence? I want to impress Sloane. I don?t want to show her my weakness and failure. But I tell her everything. Because she?s a professional. She knows that in our world, things go wrong. She knows better than anyone that it?s kill or be killed, every day. And that?s why I want her advice."

"But beggars can?t be choosers. The same for thieves."

"My father taught me how to survive, not how to thrive. Not how to actually enjoy things. But he?s gone now. I?m an adult. It?s up to me how I want to live, what I want to do. For a while my goal was money. What good is money, though, when I never spend it on anything? I don?t know what I want now. Staying at Ivan?s place has made me dissatisfied in more ways than one. I envy the bond he has with his men. And I?m already missing certain things about Ivan himself. Not just the sex, though god knows it?s the best I?ve had. No, it?s our other interactions I miss even more. The way that I watch him, and he watches me every time that we speak, each of us having finally met a worthy opponent, someone worth watching, worth studying, worth trying to understand. And the way he does understand me. When we were lying in bed together discussing Remizov, he valued my opinion. I respect Ivan. He values intelligence, loyalty, humor. I think at my core, I value the same things."

"?Hello!? Sloane says, putting out her hand. ?You?re the brother, right?? ?That?s right,? Dom says, shaking her hand and looking over at me. ?And you are . . . Ivan?s girlfriend? Or escaped prisoner? I always get the two confused.? ?Hmm,? Sloane says, also looking at me. ?Unclear.?"

"?Did you eat yet?? Dom asks her. ?I could eat more,? Sloane says. ?That?s always my answer, too,? Dom says."

"Goddamnit. She was only manageable when she thought I might murder her."

"This woman is wild, dangerous when she wants to be. She?s been in situations that have spiked her adrenaline like the jolt of a car battery. She?s not going to get excited about boring, vanilla sex. She needs to feel that sense of danger and dominance. Just as Sloane is my equal in intelligence and determination, she needs a man who can match her raw sexuality. This woman could never be pleasured by an accountant. She needs a fucking gangster."

"It?s hard to fail, but it?s worse never to have tried to succeed."

"This man is such a paradox to me. A scholar and a gangster. Retiring and ambitious."

?No plan survives contact with the enemy,?

"Men are always offering to hire me. As if I?ve just been wandering around, pining for a good healthcare plan and a 401K."

"I?d rather be dead than on my knees."

"That?s the problem with caring about someone. No logic, no ideals can withstand the imperative of keeping that person safe."

"After all these years of living in a monastery, I?ve finally found faith in something. This girl who tried to kill me, and instead, brought me new life."

"I?d rather die next to her than live without her."

"I?m enjoying the chaos. I?m no angel myself, but I can still appreciate when villains get their comeuppance."

luana 17/12/2021

OK o melhor da sophie lark ate agr os personagens sao interessantes mas eu to cansando do cliche do livro de mafia esse foi legal pq a mc eh uma assassina entao foi diferente. mas foi legal eu consegui ler tudo e foi divertido

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