O Enigma do Oito

O Enigma do Oito Katherine Neville

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Um romance de ação, suspense e mistério, no qual cada reviravolta é uma jogada de mestre.
[França, Pirineus, Primavera de 1790 — Paris, Verão de 1791] Com personagens que se movem como peões num tabuleiro, 'O enigma do oito' conta a história do lendário xadrez de Carlos Magno, escondido durante mais de mil anos e desenterrado na Abadia de Montglane, nos Pirineus, às vésperas do governo da Convenção (e da eclosão do Terror), na Revolução Francesa. |...| Quase 200 anos depois, na década de 1970, em Nova York, uma especialista em informática se vê envolvida num perigoso jogo, iniciado dois séculos antes, quando o xadrez deixou a Abadia.
[The Eight] A fabulous, bejeweled chess set that belonged to Charlemagne has been buried in a Pyrenees abbey for a thousand years. As the bloody French Revolution rages in Paris, the nuns dig it up and scatter its pieces across the globe because, when united, the set contains a secret power that could topple civilizations. To keep the set from falling into the wrong hands, two novices, Valentine and Mireille, embark on an adventure that begins in the streets of Paris and leads to Russia, Egypt, Corsica, and into the heart of the Algerian Sahara. |...| Two hundred years later, while on assignment in Algeria, computer expert Catherine Velis finds herself drawn unwillingly into the deadly “Game” still swirling around the legendary chess set—a game that will require her to risk her life and match wits with diabolical forces. . .
(...) Chess is Life. –Bobby Fischer.
(...) Life is a kind of chess. –Benjamin Franklin.
(...) [The Defense] Characters tend to be either for or against the quest. If they assist it, they are idealized as simply gallant or pure; if they obstruct it, they are characterized as simply villainous or cowardly. Hence every typical character . . . tends to have his moral opposite confronting him, like black and white pieces in a chess game'.' –Anatomy of Criticism, Northrop Frye.
[About the Author]: Katherine Neville was for twenty years an international consultant and computer executive in energy and finance. She numbered among her employers and clients IBM, the Algerian government, the US Department of Energy, OPEC, The New York Stock Exchange and the Bank of America. She completed her post graduate studies in African literature, and was for some years a commercial photographer, professional model and painter. She has worked in seven countries on three coountries and in more than twenty states of the United States. She draws on her diverse experiences to enrich her novels. Ms. Neville's first novel, The Eight, has been translated into more than fifteen languages. She lives in Virginia and Washington, (DC). Visit the author's website at www.katherineneville.com

O Enigma do Oito

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O ENIGMA DO OITO não valida sua proposta. Apesar de bem estruturada e do elaborado trabalho de pesquisa, a história se perde pelas voltas e meandros para se chegar ao seu cerne. A narrativa ocorre alternando cronologicamente em paralelo o passado e presente. Ambos os relatos carecem de objetividade excedendo em detalhes irrelevantes ao seu contexto. Todo apelo cênico é utilizado para rebuscar a trajetória épica do jogo de xadrez, o Xadrez de Montglane. Em um fruir de conjunturas histó...