66 encontrados | exibindo 61 a 66
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La fortezza

La fortezza
Jennifer Egan
Ano:2014 / Páginas:320
9788875215934 | Minimum Fax |

The Invisible Circus (English Edition)


O torreão

O torreão
Jennifer Egan
Ano:2012 / Páginas:271
9788580571967 | Intrínseca |

Fight of the Century: Writers Reflect on 100 Years of Landmark ACLU Cases (English Edition)

Fight of the Century: Writers Reflect on 100 Years of Landmark ACLU Cases (English Edition)
Viet Thanh Nguyen, Jacqueline woodson, Ann Patchett, Brit Bennett, Steven Okazaki, ...................................................................................................
Ano:2020 / Páginas:332
9781501190421 | Avid Reader Press / Simon & Schuster |

Translator Perspectives 翻訳者の目線 2021

Translator Perspectives 翻訳者の目線 2021
David Andrews, 浅野 元子, Tony Atkinson, Stephen Christenson, Hiroko Ozawa Crary, .......................................................................................
Ano:2021 / Páginas:67
9784906408245 | Japan Association of Translators 特定非営利活動法人日本翻訳者協会 | 1 leitores

66 encontrados | exibindo 61 a 66
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