Love Story

Love Story Jennifer Echols


Love Story

Erin Blackwell is headed to college in New York City to study creative writing and earn a living as a romance novelist. Her grandmother has other plans: she approves of the college, but she wants Erin to major in business and then come back home to Kentucky to run the family's famous racehorse farm. There is no way Erin will agree. Studying in New York and writing her way into a career is her escape from the farm and the family tragedy that happened there. So Erin's grandmother decides Erin really will live life as a starving artist. She takes Erin's future job running the farm, her inheritance, even her college tuition, and gives them all to Hunter Allen.

Hunter has lived on the farm for years. He's Erin's age, he's the stable boy, and he's the romantic dream of every girl in her high school. But he was involved in the family tragedy. Erin has always given him a wide berth. And he's a slick opportunist. She's furious that he fooled her grandmother into giving him Erin's birthright and sending him to Erin's college.

At least she's free of him in her creative writing class. So she pens a story that has haunted her lately, in which the horse farm heiress at the very first Kentucky Derby starts a forbidden affair with the lowly stable boy. Unfortunately for her, the day she's sharing this story with her New York classmates, Hunter walks in. He's switching to her class. And after reading about himself in Erin's story, he writes his own sexy assignments that lure Erin into dangerous fantasies about what could have been between them, and what might be.

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Love Story


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on 21/12/11

O que Erin mais ama na vida é escrever, e seu sonho era entrar para o curso de escrita criativa em Nova York e poder ser uma escritora publicada. Acontece que sua avó tinha planos de que Erin assumisse o negocio da família, e quando erin se recusa a faze-lo, sua avó a deserda e coloca Hunter, “o menino dos estabulos” como herdeiro dos negócios de sua família. Agora Erin só quer esquecer o passado e concluir seu curso de escrita, nem que para isso ela tenha que trabalhar 24 horas por d... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
10/02/2011 23:05:04