Key of Valor

Key of Valor Nora Roberts


Key of Valor (Key Trilogy)

Growing up, Zoe McCourt did not have an easy life—some might call it “disadvantaged.” A hairstylist from a West Virginia trailer park, she ended up in beautiful Pleasant Valley, Pennsylvania, by sheer determination. How she ended up on a quest for a key to unlock the soul of a warrior demigoddess is another story…

Invited to an imposing estate overlooking the town, she met Malory Price and Dana Steele. Each woman was at a crossroads in her life, each facing an uncertain future. And a mysterious couple offered them the chance of a lifetime: a million dollars each if they could free the trapped souls of three mythological sisters—an artist, a bard, and a warrior.

Malory and Dana had to reach deep inside themselves to find their keys—and not without paying a price. Now, it has become Zoe’s quest. As a single mother, she has more to risk, more to lose. But her courage in the face of overwhelming odds cannot be underestimated. A nurturer to her son, a defender of her friends, she must confront dark forces amassed against her to make all of their dreams come true…

Romance / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (4)

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A Chave da Coragem
Key of Valor
Key of Valor
A Chave da Coragem


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A Chave da Luz
A Chave do Conhecimento
Álbum de Casamento
Mar de Rosas

Resenhas para Key of Valor (2)

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O final
on 28/12/18

Este livro é o terceiro de uma saga. Aqui, iremos ver a jornada de Zoe, uma mulher lutadora que é mãe solteira, e cuja a infância foi complicada. Ela terá que encontrar a terceira e última chave para libertar as almas das Semi Deusas. Mas, tal como as suas amigas, Malory e Dana, ela vai ter que enfrentar Kane, o Deus feiticeiro que prendeu a alma das Semi Deusas. Ao longo da história, ela também terá que lidar com o dilema de se entregar ao amor, pois Bradley está perdidamente apaixona... leia mais


Informações não disponíveis
Avaliações 4.2 / 155
ranking 48
ranking 28
ranking 19
ranking 5
ranking 0



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08/01/2020 10:49:47